A Case Study on Students' Mathematical Concepts of Algebra, Connections and Attitudes toward Mathematics in a CAS Environment

CAS 그래핑 계산기를 활용한 수학 수업에 관한 사례 연구

  • Received : 2011.03.22
  • Accepted : 2011.05.06
  • Published : 2011.05.25


The purpose of the study was to investigate how the use of graphing calculators influence on forming students' mathematical concept of algebra, students' mathematical connection, and attitude toward mathematics. First, graphing calculators give instant feedback to students as they make students compare their written answers with the results, which helps students learn equations and linear inequalities for themselves. In respect of quadratic inequalities they help students to correct wrong concepts and understand fundamental concepts, and with regard to functions students can draw graphs more easily using graphing calculators, which means that the difficulty of drawing graphs can not be hindrance to student's learning functions. Moreover students could understand functions intuitively by using graphing calculators and explored math problems volunteerly. As a result, students were able to perceive faster the concepts of functions that they considered difficult and remain the concepts in their mind for a long time. Second, most of students could not think of connection among equations, equalities and functions. However, they could understand the connection among equations, equalities and functions more easily. Additionally students could focus on changing the real life into the algebraic expression by modeling without the fear of calculating, which made students relieve the burden of calculating and realize the usefulness of mathematics through the experience of solving the real-life problems. Third, we identified the change of six students' attitude through preliminary and an ex post facto attitude test. Five of six students came to have positive attitude toward mathematics, but only one student came to have negative attitude. However, all of the students showed positive attitude toward using graphing calculators in math class. That's because they could have more interest in mathematics by the strengthened and visualization of graphing calculators which helped them understand difficult algebraic concepts, which gave them a sense of achievement. Also, students could relieve the burden of calculating and have confidence. In a conclusion, using graphing calculators in algebra and function class has many advantages : formulating mathematics concepts, mathematical connection, and enhancing positive attitude toward mathematics. Therefore we need more research of the effect of using calculators, practical classroom materials, instruction models and assessment tools for graphing calculators. Lastly We need to make the classroom environment more adequate for using graphing calculators in math classes.

본 연구에서는 고등학생 6명을 대상으로 CAS 그래핑 계산기를 활용한 수업이 대수 영역에 대한 학생들의 개념 이해에 어떤 영향을 주는지 알아보고, 협동 수업에서 학생들이 방정식, 부등식, 함수의 개념을 각각 어떻게 연결 짓는지 살펴보았다. 또한 CAS 그래핑 계산기를 활용한 수업 이후 학생들의 수학적 태도가 어떻게 변화되었는지 알아보았다. 연구 결과 그래핑 계산기는 학생들이 지필로 푼 문제를 확인하고 그 결과를 비교할 수 있도록 하며, 지필로 푼 문제에 대한 즉각적인 피드백을 제공하여 학생들이 방정식과 일차 부등식을 자기 반성적으로 학습하도록 도와주었다. 이차 부등식에서는 학생들이 기존에 암기하고 있었던 공식으로 문제를 푸는 것에 한계를 느끼게 함으로써 기존에 가지고 있었던 잘못된 개념을 수정하고 이차 함수를 통하여 이차 부등식의 근본적인 개념을 이해하도록 도와주었다. 함수에서는 함수의 정의를 여러 가지 문자와 수식을 이용하여 빠르게 파악할 수 있게 하였으며, 함수에 대한 직관적인 이해를 가능하게 하였다. 또한 그래핑 계산기의 활용은 방정식, 부등식, 함수 영역 간의 연결을 가능하게 도와주었고, 학생들에게 수학의 유용성과 실용성을 느낄 수 있게 하였다. 그리고 학생들의 수학적 태도를 긍정적으로 변화시켰다.



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