선박거주구 제조업 종사자의 직무스트레스와 작업능력에 관한 연구

A Study on Job Stress and Work Ability of Workers in the Deckhouse Manufacturing Industry

  • Kim, Myung-Woo (Department of Safety Engineering, Pukyong National University) ;
  • Chang, Seong-Rok (Department of Safety Engineering, Pukyong National University)
  • 투고 : 2011.03.02
  • 심사 : 2011.11.17
  • 발행 : 2011.12.31


There have been so many studies related to job stress or musculoskeletal disorders(MSDs) in the shipbuilding industry. However, study of employee performance evaluation that reflect on the industrial features of the deckhouse manufacturing industry has not been established. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate workers' job stress and work ability through statistical significance tests according to age, work types, years of service, work forms and sex. For this, the study conducted a job stress test using the Korean Occupational Stress Questionnaire Short Form, and employee performance evaluations using the Work Ability Index(WAI) of the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health (FIOH) on 536 workers in the deckhouse manufacturing industry. MINITAB statistics program was used for statistics analysis and significance was verified with the Kruskal-Wallis test, a corporate body of nonparametric statistical analysis. As a result, employee performance had significant differences, depending on age, work types, years of service and sex, and job stress also depended on the number of service year and work form. Additionally, it was found that employee performance decreased more as job stress increased.



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