Service Level Agreement for the QoS Guaranteed Mobile IPTV Services over Mobile WiMAX Networks

  • 투고 : 2010.02.22
  • 심사 : 2011.04.15
  • 발행 : 2011.04.30


While mobile IPTV services are supported through the mobile WiMAX networks, there must need some guaranteed bandwidth for the IPTV services especially if IPTV and non-IPTV services are simultaneously supported by the mobile WiMAX networks. The quality of an IPTV service definitely depends on the allocated bandwidth for that channel. However, due to the high quality IPTV services and to support of huge non-IPTV traffic over mobile WiMAX networks, it is not possible to guarantee the sufficient amount of the limited mobile WiMAX bandwidth for the mobile IPTV services every time. A Service Level Agreement (SLA) between the mobile IPTV service provider and mobile WiMAX network operator to reserve sufficient bandwidth for the IPTV calls can increase the satisfaction level of the mobile IPTV users. In this paper, we propose a SLA negotiation procedure for mobile IPTV users over mobile WiMAX networks. The Bandwidth Broker controls the allocated bandwidth for IPTV and non-IPTV users. The proposed dynamically reserved bandwidth for the IPTV services increases the IPTV user's satisfaction level. The simulation results state that, our proposed scheme is able to provide better user satisfaction level for the IPTV users.



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피인용 문헌

  1. QoS Based IPTV Over Mobile WiMAX Networks vol.96, pp.2, 2017,