미래 인터넷을 위한 네이밍과 어드레싱을 위한 연구

  • 발행 : 2011.03.31




  1. IETF Host Identity Protocol (HIP) WG, http://www.ietf.org/html.charters/hip-charter.html
  2. IETF RFC 4843, An IPv6 Prefix for Overlay Routable Cryptographic Hash Identifiers (ORCHID), April 2007
  3. Name-to-HID Mapping System and Protocol, working in progress, http://www.mofi.re.kr/
  4. Host ID Binding Protocol (HBP) in MOFI, working in progress, http://www.mofi.re.kr/
  5. Access Delivery Protocols (ADP) in MOFI, working in progress, http://www.mofi.re.kr/
  6. Asha Mehrotra, GSM System Engineering, Artech House, 1997
  7. Meyer, D., Zhang, L., and K. Fall, "Report from the IAB Workshop on Routing and Addressing", RFC 4984,September 2007.
  8. M. Ishiyama, M. Kunishi, K. Uehara, H. Esaki, and F. Teraoka, "LINA: A New Approach to Mobility Support in Wide Area Networks," IEICE Transactions on Communication, vol. E84-B, no.8, August 2001.
  9. Mitsunobu Kunishi, etc, "LIN6: A New Approach to Mobility Support in IPv6," International Sympo-sium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communi-cation, 2000.
  10. Host Identity Protocol (HIP WG) Webpage, "http://datatracker.ietf.org/wg/hip/"
  11. P. Nikander and J. Laganier, "Host Identity Protocol (HIP) Domain Name System (DNS) Extensions," RFC 5205, April 2008.
  12. J. Laganier and L. Eggert, "Host Identity Protocol (HIP) Rendezvous Extension," RFC 5204, April 2008.
  13. E. Nordmark and M. Bagnulo, "Shim6: Level 3 Multihoming Shim Protocol for IPv6," RFC 5533, June 2009.
  14. R. Atkinson, "ILNP Concept of Operations," draft-rjailnp-intro-03, February 2010.
  15. Odell, M., "GSE - An Alternate Addressing Architecture for IPv6", Oct 2006
  16. Zhang, L., "An Overview of Multihoming and Open Issues in GSE", Sept 2006
  17. Locator Identifier Separation Protocol (LISP WG) Webpage, "http://datatracker.ietf.org/wg/lisp/"
  18. Christian Vogt, "Six/One Router - Design and Motivation", draft-vogt-2008-six-one-router-design-00, 2008.
  19. Hisashi Kobayashi, "An End to the End-to End Arguments," EuroView 2009, July 28, 2009
  20. Jianli Pan, Subharthi Paul, Raj Jain and Xiaohu Xu, "Hybrid transition mechanism for MILSA architecture for the next generation Interent," IEEE Globecom, December 2009
  21. Jianli Pan, Subharthi Paul, Raj Jain and Mic Bowman, "MILSA: a mobility and multihoming supporting identifier locator split architecture for naming in the next generation Interent," IEEE Globecom, December 2008
  22. Kafle, V.P., Nakauchi, K., and Inone M, "Generic identifiers for ID/locator split internetworking," First ITU-T Kaleidoscope Academic Conference, May 2008
  23. http://www.mofi.re.kr