Current Tasks and Appropriate Tasks of Clinical Research Coordinators in Korea

한국 임상연구코디네이터의 담당업무와 시험자가 인식하는 적절업무

  • Received : 2011.09.28
  • Accepted : 2011.12.23
  • Published : 2011.12.30


Background: This study was aimed to investigate current tasks done by clinical research coordinators (CRCs) and appropriate tasks of CRCs perceived by investigators, and to classify tasks for CRCs into four categories such as standard, recommended, considered and limited tasks. Methods: The participants were 533 CRCs and 114 investigators who have employed CRCs. Data were collected with self-administrated questionnaire including general characteristics and 32 possible tasks of CRCs from August to November, 2010. Data was analyzed using SPSS win (version 18.0) with descriptive statistics. Results: There were 24 tasks being done by more than half of CRCs, and 15 tasks by more than 75 % of CRCs among 32 possible tasks. The most common task done by CRCs was 'collecting data based on the protocol' and the next was 'scheduling of subjects'. More than half of investigators perceived that all tasks but budgeting appropriate to be done by CRCs, and 18 tasks by more than 75 % of investigators. 13 tasks were classified as standard tasks, 14 as recommended tasks, four as considered tasks, and one as limited task. Conclusion: Standard and recommended tasks for CRCs in Korea have been drawn based on the current tasks done by CRCs and appropriate tasks of CRCs perceived by investigators. It is recommended that investigators utilize this results when they delegate tasks to CRCs and appropriate educational programs could be provided so that CRCs perform standard and recommended tasks proficiently.



Supported by : 보건복지부


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