Exhaust gas of an industrial furnace used at such as metallurgy or ceramic manufacturing usually contains thermal energy with high temperature which can be recycled by heat exchanger. However, when the temperature of the exhaust gas is high such as more than $1,000^{\circ}C$, ordinary metallic heat exchanger cannot fully recover the heat due to the limitation of operating temperature depending on the material property. In the present study, a compact ceramic heat exchanger of cross flow type is introduced and evaluated by heat exchange rate and operating temperature. The ceramic heat exchanger can endure the gas temperature more than $1,300^{\circ}C$, and its volumetric heat exchanging rate exceeds 1 MW/$m^3$. The experimental data is also compared with the previous numerical result which shows reasonable agreement. Meanwhile, the gas leakage rate is measured to be about 3~4%, and heat loss to environmental air is about 23~26% of the fuel energy.