A Numerical Kano Model for Compliance Customer Needs with Product Development

  • Rashid, Md. Mamunur (Faculty, Bangladesh Institute of Management) ;
  • Tamaki, Jun'ichi (Kitami Institute of Technology) ;
  • Sharif Ullah, A.M.M. (Kitami Institute of Technology) ;
  • Kubo, Akihiko (Kitami Institute of Technology)
  • Received : 2010.07.09
  • Accepted : 2011.02.28
  • Published : 2011.06.01


Functional form and dysfunctional form of Kano model are considered as customer need regarding attribute of product. Both functional and dysfunctional forms are: Like, Must-be Neutral, Live-with and Dislike. The answers of customer regarding a product of functional and dysfunctional forms have been applied for selection of customer needs regarding product attribute (Kano evaluation). Filling.up and returning the Questionnaires by the individuals are essential for determining Kano evaluation. But many Questionnaires have not been returned in that case. Moreover, many possible consumers could not get opportunity to fill-up questionnaire. These uncertain or unknown consumers' opinions are also essential for product development. The choices of Kano evaluations have been outlined by: Attractive, One-dimensional, Must-be, Indifferent and Reverse. In this study, choices of evaluation of unknown customer are considered uniform cumulative vector probability (scenario 1). This study is based on the Monte Carlo simulation method, concept of probability and Kano model. This model has also been tested for its soundness and found fairly consistent including existing Kano model (scenario 2) and case survey for headlight of bicycle (scenario 3).



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