댐상류하수도시설의 통합운영관리방안에 관한 연구(II) - 통합운영관리 조직구성, 인력절감효과 및 경제성 검토를 중심으로 -

Integrated Management of Sewage Facilities in Upstream Watershed of Dam(II) - Focusing on Organization, Human Resources Saving Effect and Economic Feasibility -

  • 발행 : 2011.02.15


A project constructing sewerage facilities in 9 upstream areas of 7 multi-purpose dams will have been completed by 2011. After all constructing and retrofitting of the new and the existing sewerage facilities, integrated management system with operation and control functions for the each levels of facilities will also be utilized. In this study, we studied how to compose the organization taking responsibility of the integrated management system and analysed human resources saving effect against conventional method of individual management of each sewerage facility. As a result, a method estimating the human resources in employing the integrated management among several sewerage facilities at upstream areas of dams were presented and some 23% of human resources could be saved by integrated management. Commissioning to a specialized public institute showed the highest B/C ratio of 4.5 among commissioning to local public corporations, commissioning to private corporations, and role-sharing partnership, etc.



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