Factor Analysis of Biometric Traits of Kankrej Cows to Explain Body Conformation

  • Pundir, R.K. (National Bureau of Animal Genetic Resources) ;
  • Singh, P.K. (National Bureau of Animal Genetic Resources) ;
  • Singh, K.P. (Central Institute for Research on Buffako) ;
  • Dangi, P.S. (National Bureau of Animal Genetic Resources)
  • Received : 2010.09.27
  • Accepted : 2010.11.15
  • Published : 2011.04.01


Eighteen different biometric traits in 407 Kankrej cows from their breeding zone, i.e. Palanpur district of Gujarat, India, were recorded and analyzed by factor analysis to explain body conformation. The averages of body length, height at withers, height at shoulder, height at knee, heart girth, paunch girth, face length, face width, horn length, horn diameter, distance between horns, ear length, ear width, neck length, neck diameter, tail length with switch, tail length without switch and distance between hip bones were $123.44{\pm}0.37$, $124.49{\pm}0.28$, $94.68{\pm}0.30$, $38.2{\pm}0.14$, $162.56{\pm}0.56$, $178.95{\pm}0.70$, $44.09{\pm}0.10$, $15.91{\pm}0.05$, $42.47{\pm}0.53$, $26.07{\pm}0.19$, $13.34{\pm}0.08$, $31.24{\pm}0.12$, $16.10{\pm}0.05$, $50.63{\pm}0.18$, $73.21{\pm}0.32$, $111.62{\pm}0.53$, $89.34{\pm}0.34$ and $17.28{\pm}0.10\;cm$, respectively. The correlation coefficients between different traits ranged from -0.806 (horn diameter and distance between horns) to 0.815 (heart girth and paunch girth). Most of the correlations were positive and significant. Factor analysis with promax rotation with power 3 revealed three factors which explained about 66.02% of the total variation. Factor 1 described the cow body and explained 38.89% of total variation. The second factor described the front view/face of the cow and explained 19.68% of total variation. The third factor described the back of the cow and explained 7.44% of total variation. It was necessary to include some more variables for factor 3 to obtain a reliable estimate of the back view of the cow. The lower communities shown for distance between horns, horn diameter, ear width and neck diameter indicated that these traits did not contribute effectively to explaining body conformation and can be dropped from recording, whereas all other traits are important and needed to explain body conformation in Kankrej cows. The result suggests that principal component analysis (PCA) could be used in breeding programs with a drastic reduction in the number of biometric traits to be recorded to explain body conformation.



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