현대패션에 나타난 디지로그(Digilog)에 관한 연구

A Study on the Reflection of Digilog in Contemporary Fashion

  • 김생자 (건국대학교 예술문화대학 의상학과) ;
  • 박명희 (건국대학교 예술문화대학 의상학과)
  • 투고 : 2010.10.28
  • 심사 : 2011.02.01
  • 발행 : 2011.03.31


This research explores the idea of digilog for fashion; it would help to conclude the uncertain mixed-phenomena and words as a neologism and find a fundamental concept that would be a reference for a lot of uncertain new words that have been occurring even this year. Furthermore, this research is aimed at analyzing how digilog has been reflected on the contemporary fashion and directing the ways towards the future of fashion. The digilog fashion design is the expression of a combination of opposite extremes, that is to say the combination of a paradoxical mix and directly-opposed elements. The outward expression of fashion design with digilog can be classified into several ways. First of all, it tends to use the elements of paradoxical expression; for example, applying high-technology to express a primitive and natural material. The analog expresses unprocessed. Secondly, using high-tech machine to express the texture of handicraft or rough embroidery. Lastly, digital printing(DTP) is applied to enlarge the several or the whole parts of a natural object or sensitivity. As a result of the analysis, the inside view of the contemporary fashion with digilog delineate followings; it is the attitude that claims to go back to the past and accepts the combination of nature and high-technology to get calmness in the rapidly changing modern world. And it is the will to fly from the utterly exhausted reality through the recurrence of the past when there used to be a lot of energies and used to live in affluence.



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