아웃도어 스포츠의류 브랜드의 상품기획 현황 분석

Merchandising Process Analysis of Outdoor Sportswear Brands

  • Sung, Hee-Won (Dept. of Clothing & Textiles, Gyeongsang National University)
  • 투고 : 2010.08.16
  • 심사 : 2010.12.07
  • 발행 : 2011.03.31


The outdoor sportswear market in Korea has received increased attention due to the interest in health and leisure activities promoted through the well-being trend. This study examines the merchandising process for outdoor sportswear brands and focuses on textile planning in order to identity the opportunities for Korean textile companies. Data were collected through an interview method of nine outdoor leading brands (six national brands and three license brands). The interviewees were merchandisers with two to nine years of career experience in the company. The majority of interviewed brands implemented a merchandising plan twice a year. Basic goods took 80% and reorder or spot goods took 10-20% of the total quantity, which possessed a substantial possibility to substitute imported textiles for Korean ones. After the 2008 global economic crisis, outdoor brands have increased the quantity of Korean textiles up to 70% of the total amount of sales because of low price per quality, lead-time accuracy, convenience for handling, and communication. The most important factors when selecting materials were functionality, quality, design, price, and lead-time for orders. The managerial implications for Korean textile companies were also discussed.



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