초기 설계단계 에너지 성능평가를 위한 IFC 기반 IDF 변환기 개발

Development of the IFC based IDF Converter for Energy Performance Assessment in the Early Design Phase

  • 김인한 (경희대학교 공과대학 건축학과) ;
  • 김지은 (경희대학교 일반대학원 건축학과) ;
  • 최중식 (경희대학교 일반대학원 건축공학과)
  • 투고 : 2011.02.14
  • 심사 : 2011.03.16
  • 발행 : 2011.04.01


As the seriousness of environmental pollution being on a rise, a low carbon and environment-friendly design for energy efficiency has been issued. With respect to energy in the construction industry, an adoption of BIM which is possible for the various energy performance assessments in the early design phase has been actively working on. In the most cases of energy performance assessment, the data compatibility from the lack of standard software and format became a problem and the improvement for data compatibility system has been needed. This study is to develop the IFC based IDF converter as a middleware which connects between BIM software and energy analysis software. For the building energy performance assessment, Energy Plus and IFC are selected for the standard energy analysis software and its file format. Parameters are organized by steps and the integrated material library is built so it is trying to reduce the existing problem of energy software interface as much as possible. The development of IDF Converter will promote the spread of related fields with increasing the BIM standard and the utilization of energy performance assessment.



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