낙상예방 프로그램이 재가노인의 체력과 심리기능에 미치는 효과

Effects of a Fall Prevention Program on Physical Fitness and Psychological Functions in Community Dwelling Elders

  • 투고 : 2010.06.21
  • 심사 : 2011.04.15
  • 발행 : 2011.04.30


Purpose: This study was done to identify effects of a fall prevention program on physical fitness and psychological functions in community dwelling elders. Methods: A quasi-experimental study was carried out with a nonequivalent control group pre & post-test design. The program, which included exercises and education, consisted of a 12-week group program and an 8-week self-management program using a health calendar. An experimental group (32) and a control group (21) participated. Results: There were significant differences in SPPB (t=-3.92, p<.001), TUG test (t=4.94, p<.001), standing with right leg (t= -3.60, p=.001), standing with left leg (t=-3.74, p<.001), front and rear maximum step length test (t=-4.34, p<.001), right-left maximum step length test (t=-2.65, p=.011), and fall efficacy (t=-2.42, p=.019). Fall efficacy, fear of falling and depression showed significant differences following the 12-week exercise program and 8-week self-management program in the experimental group. Conclusion: Study findings indicate that the fall prevention program is an effective nursing intervention to enhance physical fitness and psychological functions for elders. Using a health calendar, the self-management program was more effective for psychological functions compared to only the group program. Therefore, health providers should develop diversified fall prevention programs which include motivation plans to encourage clients in participating.



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