Multiple Simultaneous Specification Control of Antagonistic Actuation by Pneumatic Artificial Muscles

공압형 인공근육으로 구동되는 상극구동의 다중 동시 사양 제어

  • Received : 2010.08.18
  • Accepted : 2010.12.02
  • Published : 2011.02.28


This paper presents a frequency-response test performed on an antagonistic actuation system consisting of two Mckibben pneumatic artificial muscles and a pneumatic circuit. A linear model, capable of estimating the dynamic characteristics of the antagonistic system in the operating range of pneumatic artificial muscles, was optimally calculated based on frequency-response results and applied to a multiple simultaneous specification control scheme. Trajectory tracking results showed that the presented multiple simultaneous specification controller, built experimentally by three PD typed sample controllers, satisfied successfully all required control specifications; rising time, maximum overshoot, steady-state error.



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