Indoor Mobile Robot Heading Detection Using MEMS Gyro North Finding Approach

MEMS Gyro North Finding 방법을 이용한 실내 이동로봇의 전방향 탐지

  • Wei, Yuan-Long (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Pusan National University) ;
  • Lee, Min-Cheol (School of Mechanical Engineering, PNU) ;
  • Kim, Chi-Yen (Division of Mechanical Engineering, Yeungnam College of Science and Technology)
  • Received : 2011.09.29
  • Accepted : 2011.11.08
  • Published : 2011.11.30


This paper presents a new approach for mobile robot heading detection using MEMS Gyro north finding method in the indoor environment. Based on this, the robot heading angle measurement scheme is proposed; improved north finding theory and algorithm are also explained. Several approaches are applied to confirm system's precision and effectiveness. In order to find out the heading angle, a single axis MEMS gyroscope to sense the angle between the robot heading direction and the north is used. To reach enough estimation accuracy and reduce detection time, the least square method (LSM) for the signal fitting and parameter estimation is applied. Through a turn-table, we setup a carouseling system to decrease the substantial bias effect on gyroscope's heading angle. For the evaluation of the proposed method, this system is implemented to the Pioneer robot platform. The performance and heading error are analyzed after the test. From the simulation and experimental results, system's accuracy, usefulness and adaptability are shown.



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  1. 이동 로봇의 서스펜션 댐핑계수 변화에 따른 장애물이 있는 경사로 주행에 관한 연구 vol.11, pp.2, 2016,