Transition of Namhansanseong Government Office in the Late Choson Dynasty

조선후기 남한산성 관아건축의 변천

  • Received : 2011.08.15
  • Accepted : 2011.11.28
  • Published : 2011.12.31


Namhansanseong fortress (南漢山城) is not Eupchi (邑治) created for ages but the new settlement of public and military administration as Baedo (陪都) to defend capital territory. Namhansanseong has Jinsan (鎭山) that is named Cheongnyangsan (淸凉山) and its government office building was located in the main place, also a periodic five-day market was being held in the center of fortress. This study is find out the transition and its historical background of government office building on Namhansanseong by the relocation of Eupchi in the 17th century. The conclusion of analysis can be summarized as follows; The main change of government office in the late Choson dynasty is to move Yi-a, administrative complex (貳衙) around Yeonmugwan (演武館). Since 1795, the 19th year of King Jeongjo (正祖), this was fixed by the end of the Choson dynasty on the unification of Magistrate which is also Defense Commander. In the second place, the military office on Jungyeong (中營) that is Junggun's (中軍) place of work was abolished by the reform of Junggun system. Thirdly, transition of the end of the Choson dynasty is the abolition of Sueoyeong (守禦營) and the realignment of government offices. Namely, the administrative agency was moved to Haenggung (行宮) after the collapse of unification in 1895. Also former military offices was changed to police administration on Gwangju-bu (廣州府), Gwangju county level unit.



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