A Study on the Architectural Aspect of the Sutra Hall and the Promoters of the Rotating-sutra Case Cabinet of the Yeongguk Temple in the Koryo Dynasty

영국사(寧國寺) 대장전(大藏殿)과 전륜장(轉輪藏)의 조성주체와 건축특성

  • 이경미 ((재)역사건축기술연구소)
  • Received : 2011.08.15
  • Accepted : 2011.10.20
  • Published : 2011.10.31


The building for the Sutra appeared as the Sutra-belief became popular in the early years of the Koryo Dynasty. According to the written documents, there were two types of apparatus to keep sutras, one by fixing the cabinet to the wall and the other by rotating the cabinet at the center of the hall. There are no remains. Recently, at the excavation of the site of the Yeongguk Temple (寧國寺) in the Chungcheong Prevince (영동군), a building which was presumed as the Sutra Hall was recovered at the side of the Main Hall. At the center of the building, of 6meters width and 6meters depth, there was a large stone which had a round trace which was presumed to supporting the rotating sutra-case cabinet. By examining the concerned situations, this building was concluded as the Sutra Hall of the temple. The Yeongguk Temple had a close relationship with the royal household. Budddhist monk Gwangji, son of the 16th King Yejong was lived at the Temple. the tomb of King's advisory priest Wongak was also erected at the Temple. Two monks were well known as the defender of the Sutra. The Sutra Hall of the Yeongguk Temple regarded as a significant example which showed us how the archtectural aspect of the Sutra Hall was shaped in the Koryo Dynasty. It could be said that revealing the architectural aspect of the Stura Hall will help revealing the Buddhist architecture of the Koryo Dynsty which is veiled in many field.



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