한국고대가람 변천양상에 관한 불교사적 고찰 - 불신관의 발전과 불탑 및 불상의 위상변천에 관한 분석을 중심으로 -

A Study on the Changing Patterns of the Ancient Buddhist Temples of Korea - Based on the Analysis about Development of View of Buddha-kaya, Change of Status of Stupa and Statue of the Buddha -

  • 이주형 (사단법인 호연건축문화유산연구원, 스페인 세비야대학) ;
  • 장석하 (경일대학교 건축학부)
  • 투고 : 2010.10.15
  • 심사 : 2011.02.26
  • 발행 : 2011.02.28


It is a true fact that the ancient Buddhist temples of Korea were great, important historical influence revealing the transition and developing stages of all the BUddhist temples in Eastern Asia including China and Japan. Before Mahayana arose within India, the monastery and pagoda were united during the conflict and development of the original Buddhism and pagoda faith. With the arising of Mahayana and the introduction of Buddhist statues, the Buddhist temple and pagoda were in conflict and resulted in separation. With the creation and development of the Mahayana Bodhisattva concept, Hinayana and Mahayana started to show doctrine differences and expressed each others' characteristics relevant to the structure of the temple. As a result, the Buddhist Temple having 1 pagoda spread in China together with Hinayana and Mahayana. The Buddhist temple of Hinayana had its temple and pagoda separated and the Buddhist temple that has a pagoda in front was divided into a form of 1 pagoda and 1 main temple. The temple and pagoda for Mahayana in the form of 1 pagoda and 2 temple, where the main statue of the Buddha may be worshipped from both the left and right hand sides, were separated in the form of 1 pagoda and 3 temples to have its original form again. Mahayana was first introduced into Goguryeo through the routes in the northern region and developed from having 1 pagoda and 2 temples, to having 1 pagoda and 3 temples. China was influenced by the southern regions, which is why Abhidharma was introduced into Baekje. Later on, the importance of Bodhisattva increased and the transition speed of the Buddhist temple having 1 pagoda and 3 temples accelerated, as Buddhism became more popular and as Mahayana flourished. The statue of the Buddha on both sides of the pagoda shall gradually move next to the central temple, and the temple shall form large crowds to not only form a tacit boundary with the pagoda but the expansion of Bodhisattva shall also have a wall or a corridor constructed in between the central, left and right hand side temples to form separate areas, and shall have a pagoda built in front of the temples that worship from both sides. In conclusion, independence shall exist among each Bodhisattva within the Buddhist temple, and the status of the pagoda shall fall and appear as the pagoda on both sides in front of the main Buddha statue.



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