근대건축물 리노베이션에 의한 디자인 변형에 관한 연구

A Study on the Design Transform of the Modern Architecture Renovation

  • 이성호 (경원대학교 실내건축학과) ;
  • 오인욱 (경원대학교 실내건축학과)
  • 투고 : 2010.12.31
  • 심사 : 2011.02.09
  • 발행 : 2011.02.28


As people abroad have been much interested in the usage of modern architecture from the early days, many researches about various methods of using them have been progressed. In Korea, with the need to protect the modern architecture through active usage of them in the dimension of protecting the disappearing history, at present, many modern architectures were renovated and used. This research is to find out the sense of direction about the changes of design of the renovated modern architectures in Korea by analyzing the design changes after the renovations in Korea and abroad. Under the limitation of the modern architecture renovation case in Korea, Japan and China, the changes of design after the modern architecture renovation in Korea and aborad were analyzed by the analysis of the ways of remodelling for each case according to the case analyzing frame. Based on the reasons of renovations which had purpose of preserving social history with many other various reasons in common in both cases of Korean modern architecture remodelling and abroad, the common direction of design is to meet new with old to preserve the special image though they did it in different ways. However, different from the case of Japan and China which are coexisting present and past in space, Korean case focused too much on outside, which resulted in only outside designs. In the case of Korea, the past should have mutual understanding to have the firm space image by forming unique interior space culture through the architectural grafting the present in the past not only in the outside space but also in the indoor space. In another words, for the various changes of design in Korean modern architecture renovations, a systematic research should be done about the interior spaces of present architecture and modern architecture.



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