이종 병렬컴퓨팅 환경에서 기계학습을 이용한 접근 방법

  • 발행 : 2011.02.28




연구 과제 주관 기관 : 한국학술진흥재단


  1. A. Monsifrot. A Machine Learning Approach to Automatic Production of Compiler Heuristics. In AIMSA' 02: Proceedings of the 10th international conference on Artificial Intelligence: Methodology, Systems, and Applications, pp.41-50, 2002.
  2. M. Stephenson and S. Amarasinghe. Predicting Unroll Factors Using Supervised Classication. In CGO'05: Proceedings of the 3rd international symposium on Code Generation and Optimization, pp.123-134, 2005.
  3. F. Agakov, E. Bonilla, J. Cavazos, B. Franke, G. Fursin, M. O'Boyle, J. Thomson, M. Toussaint, and C. Williams. Using Machine Learning to Focus Iterative Optimization. In CGO'06: Proceedings of the 4th international symposium on Code Generation and Optimization, pp.295-305, 2006.
  4. J. Cavazos, G. Fursin, F. Agakov, E. Bonilla, M. F. O'Boyle, and O. Temam. Rapidly Selecting Good Compiler Optimizations using Performance Counters. In CGO'07: Proceedings of the 5th international symposium on Code Generation and Optimization, pp.185- 197, 2007.
  5. C. Dubach, T. M. Jones, E. V. Bonilla, G. Fursin, and M. F. P. O'Boyle. Portable compiler optimisation across embedded programs and microarchitectures using machine learning. In MICRO-42: Proceedings of the 42nd annual IEEE/ACM international symposium on Microarchitecture, pp.78-88, 2009.
  6. J. Cavazos and M. F. P. O'Boyle. Method-specic dynamic compilation using logistic regression. In OOPSLA '06: Proceedings of the 21st annual ACM SIGPLAN conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications, pp.229-240, 2006.
  7. E. Ipek, B. R. de Supinski, M. Schulz, and S. A. McKee. An approach to performance prediction for parallel applications. In Euro-Par'05: Proceedings of the 11th international European conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, pp.196-205, 2005.
  8. B. C. Lee, D. M. Brooks, B. R. de Supinski, M. Schulz, K. Singh, and S. A. McKee. Methods of inference and learning for performance modeling of parallel applications. In PPoPP'07: Proceedings of the 12th ACM SIGPLAN symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming, pp.249-258, 2007.
  9. C. Dubach, J. Cavazos, B. Franke, G. Fursin, M. F. O'Boyle, and O. Temam. Fast compiler optimisation evaluation using code-feature based performance prediction. In CF'07: Proceedings of the 4th international conference on Computing Frontiers, pp.131-142, 2007.
  10. F. Eichinger, D. Kramer, K. Bohm, and W. Karl. From source code to runtime behaviour: Software metrics help to select the computer architecture. In Knowledge- Based Systems, Vol. 23, Issue 4, pp.343-349, 2010. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.knosys.2009.11.014
  11. B. J. Barnes, B. Rountree, D. K. Lowenthal, J. Reeves, B. de Supinski, and M. Schulz. A regression-based approach to scalability prediction. In ICS'08: Proceedings of the 22nd annual international conference on Supercomputing, pp.368- 377, 2008.
  12. Z. Wang and M. F. O'Boyle. Mapping parallelism to multi-cores: a machine learning based approach. In PPoPP'09: Proceedings of the 14th ACM SIGPLAN symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming, pp.75-84, 2009.
  13. C.-K. Luk, S. Hong, and H. Kim. Qilin: exploiting parallelism on heterogeneous multiprocessors with adaptive mapping. In MICRO-42: Proceedings of the 42nd annual IEEE/ACM international symposium on Microarchitecture, pp.45-55, 2009.
  14. J. Treibig, G. Hager, and G. Wellein. Likwid: A lightweight performance-oriented tool suite for x86 multicore environments. In ICPPW'10: Proceedings of the 39th international conference on Parallel Processing Workshops, pp.207-216, 2010.
  15. J. Kim, H. Kim, J. H. Lee, and J. Lee. Achieving a Single Compute Device Image in OpenCL for Multiple GPUs. In PPoPP'11: Proceedings of the 16th ACM SIGPLAN symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming, pp.277-287, 2011.
  16. The IMPACT Research Group, Parboil Benchmark suite. http://impact.crhc.illinois.edu/parboil.php, 2009.
  17. C. Bienia, S. Kumar, J. P. Singh, and K. Li. The PARSEC benchmark suite: characterization and architectural implications. In PACT'08: Proceedings of the 17th international conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques, pp.72-81, 2008.
  18. C.-C. Chang and C.-J. Lin. Libsvm: a library for support vector machines, http://www.csie.ntu.edu.tw/-cjlin/libsvm, 2001.