유비쿼터스 기반 스포츠비즈니스모델 설계과정

Designing Processes for Ubiquitous-based Sport Business Model

  • In, Sang-Woo (Indiana University, School of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation)
  • 투고 : 2011.04.21
  • 심사 : 2011.11.20
  • 발행 : 2011.12.31


Business organizations are asked to create new business models utilizing current technological innovations such as ubiquitous computing technology for developing new domains of business to obtain a competitive advantage and achieve a sustainable development. This study was focused on the processes for developing new and practical business models. The purpose of this study was to propose ubiquitous sport business modeling processes from the modeling framework. In particular, this study focused on developing new, pragmatic, and effective sport business models, and this new type of business is defined as 'u-sport.' For design the business model, extensive literature reviews and case studies were conducted for benchmarking the cases and expert group review was conducted for developing u-sport business model framework. The suggested business modeling processes in this study were consisted of four phases; 1) organization strategy level setting phase, 2) business strategy level setting phase, 3) business structure level setting phase, and 4) service level setting phase. The modeling processes were verified to adapt ubiquitous sport business. This designing and modeling process is expected to play a significant role on enhancing the technology-based business environments as the process mainly focuses on the service and consumer oriented approach rather than technology and suppliers oriented approach. In conclusion, establishing sport business models by adapting the service modeling process will deliver an exponential growth and development of future ubiquitous based industry.



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