척수 손상 쥐에 실시한 특정 과제 운동이 운동 행동에 미치는 영향

Effects of Specific Exercises on Motor Function Recovery In Rats With Experimental Spinal Cord Injury

  • 투고 : 2010.08.26
  • 심사 : 2010.12.09
  • 발행 : 2011.02.19


This study was implemented to verify the feasibility of motor function recovery and the appropriate period for therapy. The research began with spinal laminectomy of 40 white rats of Sprague-Dawley breed and induced them spinal crush injury. Following results were obtained by using the modified Tarlov test (MTT), Basso, Beattle, Bresnahan locomotor rating scale (EBB scale) and modified inclined plate test (MIPT). First, the measurement using the MTT confirm that the most severe aggravation and degeneration of functions are observed two days after induced injury, and no sign of neuromotor function recovery. Second, better scores were achieved by open-ground movement group on BBB locomotor rating scale test, and weight-bearing on inclined plate group show better performance on MIPT. Third, both BBB and MIPT scale manifested the peak of motor function recovery during 16th day after the injury and turn into gradual recovery gradient during 16th to 24th. Fourth, the control group showed functional recovery, however, the level of recovery was less significant when compared with group open-ground movement group and weight-bearing on inclined plate group. Hence, it was clearly manifested that the lumbar region of the spinal cord had shown the best performance when its functions were measured after the execution of specific physical training; therefore it indicated the possibility of learning specific task even in damaged lumbar regions. Thus it is expected to come out with better and more effective functional recovery if concentrated physical therapy was applied starting 4 days after the injury till 16 days, which is the period of the most active recovery.



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