A Study on the Road System of Bukseong-ro Eupseongnae, Daegu Built in the Japanese Colonial Period

일제강점기에 형성된 대구읍성내 북성로 가로구성에 관한 연구

  • 정복임 (대구대학교 대학원) ;
  • 김주야 (김천과학대학 건축인테리어학과) ;
  • 백영흠 (대구대학교 실내건축디자인학과)
  • Received : 2010.11.26
  • Accepted : 2011.01.28
  • Published : 2011.02.25


As passing through the Japanese colonial period, Daegu has been changed into a modern city. In addition, the nature of the city had changed a lot by withdrawal of Eup-sung and the opening of the road and the increase of population in Japan. Of course, the expansion of the city was caused by the increase of the Japanese population. To understand the current city, it is most important to understand the past city's characteristics and especially the formation and change of city must be considered with understanding the situation of city. And now the city reflects the role of the city in the past. In fact, the effect of the street constitution in Daegu Eup-sung during Japanese colonial period on the present time was very big and continues. Especially, in order to understand the situation of the city and consider the direction in the future, the analysis of the development process has important implications.This study aimed to consider the change of Daegu Eup-sung Street and Formation of Dwelling Site focusing on the Buksung Street. The purpose of this study is to investigate the nature of the city and changing process of the city by the past Buksung street and the current Buksung street as time goes by.



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