A Shihtzu (6-year-old, intact female) was referred to Konkuk University Teaching Animal Hospital for cystic calculus and hydronephrosis of right kiney. The dog was suspected to have ureteral rupture and peritonitis. Radiographic findings included cyctic calculi and right kidney enlargement. On ultrasonographic examination hyperechoic mass with severe acoustic shadowing was located in the right proximal ureter which was dilated. Hydronephrosis of the right kidney, right ureteral caculus and cytic calculus were confirmed by radiography and ultrasonography. Cystotomy for removal of calculus in the bladder and ureterotomy for removal of calculus in the right ureter were performed. Excretory urography (EU) performed one month after surgery revealed that the right ureter was homogeneously opacified and decreased to 3 to 6 mm in diameter. Surgical removal of ureteroliths was appropriate treatment for the ureteral and cystic calculi. The result suggests that ureterotomy is effective treament for the dilation and calculi of ureter.