Parametrically excited viscoelastic beam-spring systems: nonlinear dynamics and stability

  • Ghayesh, Mergen H. (Department of Mechanical Engineering, McGill University)
  • 투고 : 2010.11.30
  • 심사 : 2011.10.21
  • 발행 : 2011.12.10


The aim of the investigation described in this paper is to study the nonlinear parametric vibrations and stability of a simply-supported viscoelastic beam with an intra-span spring. Taking into account a time-dependent tension inside the beam as the main source of parametric excitations, as well as employing a two-parameter rheological model, the equations of motion are derived using Newton's second law of motion. These equations are then solved via a perturbation technique which yields approximate analytical expressions for the frequency-response curves. Regarding the main parametric resonance case, the local stability of limit cycles is analyzed. Moreover, some numerical examples are provided in the last section.



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