1990년대 이후 한국연극의 무대의상에 나타난 포스트모더니즘 경향에 대한 연구

A Study on the Postmodernist Tendencies in Stage Costume of Korean Theater Since 1990's

  • 투고 : 2010.10.14
  • 심사 : 2010.12.23
  • 발행 : 2011.01.31


Postmodernism has affected general culture and arts as a powerful cultural image that has governed the later 20th century, and it is still a main subject as Zeitgeist representing modern society. Accordingly, this study is to verify the role and importance of the stage costume according to change of the art trend in the present age by clarifying relations between the postmodernism and the stage costume, and analyzing the postmodernism trend shown in postmodern classes. The postmodernism trend in costume is summarized as the deconstructionism, eclecticism and the populism. Hereunder is the conclusion of applying Postmodernism characteristics and creation mechanism commonly existing in theater and costume to the costumes of Korean theaters since 1990's. First, a deconsructionism trend of the Korean theater was visualized by the expression method of disembodiment and decomposition of stage costumes. Second, expression phase of interculturalism was concretely visualized through the stage costume, and it was considered that the postmodernism creation method. Third, a populism trend since 1990's was reflected to the stage costume, and deduced consensus with the audience and subculture familiar with the public as well as appeared as a phenomenon that emphasized a recreational elements. It is analyzed that this trend is a result that a concept of sportiveness was directly transferred through strong visual expression function of the stage costume. As a result of analyzing a Korean theater of the postmodernism disposition since 1990s, the costume reflected creational will of the postmodernism of works and played an important role as visual arts, created with a similar method and form.



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