Vegetational History of the Mulyeongari Fen by Pollen Analysis in Jeju Island, Korea

제주도 물영아리늪 퇴적물의 화분분석에 의한 식생변천

  • Lee, Chang-Su (Department of Biological Sciences, University of Ulsan) ;
  • Kang, Sang-Joon (School of Science Eucation, Chungbuk National University) ;
  • Choi, Kee-Ryong (Department of Biological Sciences, University of Ulsan)
  • 이창수 (울산대학교 생명과학부) ;
  • 강상준 (충북대학교 과학교육학부) ;
  • 최기룡 (울산대학교 생명과학부)
  • Received : 2010.10.12
  • Accepted : 2010.12.03
  • Published : 2011.03.31


For the reconstruction of the past vegetational changes in Jeju Island, Korea, pollen analysis and radiocarbon dating on the sediments obtained from the Mulyeongari fen were carried out. By the results, the vegetational changes around the Mulyeongari fen from ca. 3,300 cal. yr BP to the present can be interpreted and reconstructed. The pollen record from the Mulyeongari fen was divided into two local pollen assemblage zones and three sub-pollen assemblage zones. Zone I (Quercus-Carpinus-Herbs Zone) was characterized by the predominance of Quercus(30~63%), Carpinus(9~35%) and herbs(40~424%). Zone II was characterized by three sub-pollen assemblage zones and the high occurrence ratio of the tree layer in comparison with Zone I. In Zone IIa (Quercus-Carpinus Zone), herbs(3~161%) were drastically decreased in predominance of Quercus(28~56%) and Carpinus(14~31%). In Zone IIb (Carpinus-Quercus Zone), Carpinus(36~48%) was preferentially increased but Quercus(29~39%) was slightly decreased. In Zone IIc (Quercus-Carpinus Zone), Carpinus(26~38%) was decreased inversely but Quercus(36~50%) was increased. In addition, Cyperaceae was also increased to 52%. Consequently, it is suggested that cool temperate southern/sub-montane vegetation composed of Quercus and Carpinus which was physiognomy of deciduous broad leaved forest was distributed around the Mulyeongari fen from ca. 3,300 cal. yr BP. In addition, Cyclobalanopsis(4~23%), Castanopsis(1~12%) and Myrica(under 1%) which are warm-temperate evergreen deciduous forest components were constantly appeared from this period. Accordingly, it can be inferred that the present vegetation type around the Mulyeongari fen was formed from ca. 180 cal. yr BP.



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