지역사회 노인의 신체활동도와 낙상 두려움, 우울, 신체기능

Fear of Falling, Depression, Physical Fitness and Physical Activity among Community Dwelling Elders

  • 투고 : 2011.05.19
  • 심사 : 2011.08.04
  • 발행 : 2011.08.31


Purpose: This study was designed to examine fear of falling, depression, physical fitness, and physical activity and further to identify the factors that predict physical activity among community dwelling elders. Methods: This study was a cross-sectional descriptive survey. Participants were 153 community dwelling elders from G city. Data were collected using structured questionnaires and were analyzed using descriptive statistics, ${\chi}^2$-test, t-test, ANOVA, and multinominal logistic regression analysis. Results: Activity levers were coded as inactive, minimal activity and enhancing physical active. Thirty-three point three percent reported inactivity, forty-seven point seven percent reported minimal activity and nineteen percent reported health enhancing physical activity. There were significant differences in physical activity relative to gender, age, falling experience, perceived health, and living situation. Further, there was significant difference in fear of falling, depression, and physical fitness by physical activity. For instance, Fear of falling (OR=1.04, p=.014) was a significant predicting factor for physical activity, In contrast for the enhancing physical active the variables of gender (OR=0.28, p=.046), age (OR=0.86, p=.021), perceived health (fair: OR=13.61, p=.006), fear of falling (OR=1.04, p=.026), and two-minute step (OR=1.04, p=.049) were significant. Conclusion: The results of this study indicate that physical activity intervention programs are needed to increase physical activity for community dwelling elders. Physical activity intervention programs should be developed and evaluated.



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