명문학설(命門學說)에 대한 지각론(知覺論)적 해석

A Study on Mingmen(命門) theory in the light of Zhijue(知覺)

  • 은석민 (우석대학교 한의과대학 원전의사학교실)
  • Eun, Seok-Min (Dept. of Oriental Medical Classics and History of Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Woosuk University)
  • 투고 : 2011.10.25
  • 심사 : 2011.11.22
  • 발행 : 2011.11.25


The concept of Mingmen(命門) was originated from "Neijing(內經)" and "Nanjing(難經)", respectively meaning eye in "Neijing" and right kidney in "Nanjing". But the Mingmen theory had been developed on the basis of the concept of Mingmen in "Nanjing" thereafter, and it had been influenced by the Taoist alchemy in the process of explaining the relation between the concept of Xianghuo(相火) and Yuanqi(元氣). Out of this the Mingmen theory had been changed as a thing that comprises newly the concept of Huo(火), and consequentially the dispute about the arrangement between Mingmen and Xin(心) had been consistently progressed, because Xin is the center of Huo. And on the other hand, because Xin is also the center of mind, the influence of the state of Xin which is projected to Mingmen had also been discussed. Based on the facts like this, this study will discuss the possibility of the extension of the concept about the function of Mingmen. That is, this study will add up the concept of Mingmen in "Neijing" to the Mingmen theory so far, will add up the concept of Zhijue(知覺) to the Mingmen theory. The concept of Zhijue had been originated from the Neo-Confucianism in Song dynasty, and this study thinks, in the light of the concept of Zhijue, the concept of Mingmen could be viewed from a new perspective, that is, from a view of mind.



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