"소문(素問).이합진사론(離合眞邪論)"에 나타난 자침(刺鍼)의 보조수기법(補助手技法) -"내경(內經)" 주석(註釋), 침구서적(鍼灸書籍), "의학입문(醫學入門)"의 비교 -

Complementary Acupuncture Techniques in "Yihapjinsaron of Somun(素問.離合眞邪論)"

  • 조학준 (세명대학교 한의과대학 원전의사학교실)
  • Jo, Hak-Jun (Dept. of Korean Medical Classics & Medical History, Semyung University)
  • 투고 : 2011.10.07
  • 심사 : 2011.11.22
  • 발행 : 2011.11.25


Objective : I tried to turn out the fact that acupuncture treatment was originated from the sentences in "Yihapjinsaron of Somun(素問 離合眞邪論)". Method : I analyze the sentences in "Yihapjinsaron of Somun(素問 離合眞邪論)" by comparing the ponies on it and acupuncture books, Yi Ceon(李梴)'s "Medical beginner's book(醫學入門)". Conclusion : Making this research, I discovered Du Taesa(竇太師) primarily called it '14 finger strengthing-eliminating treatment methods(手指補瀉法)' in his book, "Acupuncture Guidance(鍼灸指南)" and he made full use of it in acupuncture clinic. Seo Bong(徐鳳) & Go Mu(高武) cited the 14 methods in their works, "Acupuncture Completement(鍼灸大全)" & "Acupuncture Essence(鍼灸節要聚英)", but they did not state their own views that this 14 methods ware derived from "Somun(素問)". Conclusion : I knew great acupuncture specialists and Yi Ceon(李梴) finally regarded the sentences in "Somun(素問)" as basic & complementary acupuncture techniques of "Acupuncture Guidance(鍼灸指南)" in their works. They hoped to let many acupuncture clinicians use the finger strengthing-eliminating treatment methods more often.



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