Is it too Audacious to Challenge: Roadmap for a Primetime of Clinical Pharmacy in Korea

한국 임상약학은 어디로 달려가는가?: 한국 임상약학 발전을 위한 제안서

  • Min, Bo-kyung (College of Pharmacy, Catholic University of Daegu)
  • 민보경 (대구가톨릭대학교 약학대학)
  • Received : 2011.03.14
  • Accepted : 2011.05.17
  • Published : 2011.06.30


The Korean pharmacy education has been facing extraordinary challenges. Clinical pharmacy has been embraced into mainstream in the new curriculum since its introduction in Korea. Although these changes are positive to provide our graduates adequate knowledge and skills to meet international standards of pharmacy education, current preparedness is far from desired goals. Thus, faculty members and clinical pharmacy experts from diverse walks are tirelessly committed to develop clinically oriented educational sites. However, it is important to recognize that pharmacy practice, research, and education should be aligned with the $Profession^{\circ}{\Phi}s$ vision. Most faculty members in clinical pharmacy were unexceptionally expected to tackle educational challenges with new curriculum. All academicians must profess throughout their career. Fundamental component in academic career is research accomplishments. The prosperity of clinical pharmacy inevitably goes with research. Clinical researchers in Korea are underprivilaged over basic scientists due to less funding opportunity, administrative support, and research resources. Clinical pharmacy researchers should further overcome poor recognition among other healthcare professionals and government. Aggressive networking and support and awareness of pharmacy oriented clinical research from the Korean college of clinical pharmacy would nurture clinical pharmacy research. With research progress, clinical pharmacy would be prerogative in Korean pharmacy advance.



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