Survey for the Recognition and Performance rate in the Hospital Pharmacists on the Safety Rules about Hazardous Drugs

병원 약사들의 위해약물 안전 수칙의 인지도 및 수행도에 대한 조사연구

  • Received : 2011.02.21
  • Accepted : 2011.05.24
  • Published : 2011.06.30


The objective of this study was to evaluate the recognition and performance rates about the safety rules on hazardous drugs among the selected pharmacists. The 160 pharmacists working in 4 general hospitals and in the other 4 institutions specialized in the oncology division were surveyed through mail. Among the 137 respondents to the survey (response rate 85.6%), 111 pharmacists (81%) had recognized the terms of 'hazardous drugs'. In categories of vaccines and hormones, the degrees of the recognition rate were much lower than the cytotoxic medications. It was surveyed that the degree of recognition and performance of safety rules on injectable drugs were higher than the disposal and noninjectable medications. The higher recognition rate of the safety rules made the higher degree of performance. These results were expected to provide the incentive for guidelines on handling hazardous drugs based on Korean healthcare system.



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