Handling Malicious Flooding Attacks through Enhancement of Packet Processing Technique in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

  • Received : 2010.08.06
  • Accepted : 2010.08.31
  • Published : 2011.03.31


Mobile ad hoc networks are expected to be widely used in the near future. However, they are susceptible to various security threats because of their inherent characteristics. Malicious flooding attacks are one of the fatal attacks on mobile ad hoc networks. These attacks can severely clog an entire network, as a result of clogging the victim node. If collaborative multiple attacks are conducted, it becomes more difficult to prevent. To defend against these attacks, we propose a novel defense mechanism in mobile ad hoc networks. The proposed scheme enhances the amount of legitimate packet processing at each node. The simulation results show that the proposed scheme also improves the end-to-end packet delivery ratio.



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