The purpose of this study was to investigate significant differences between the application group and nonapplication group of integrated science education in the science class about elementary teachers' perceptions and PCK. The results are as follows. First, no significant differences were found about science teachers' fundamental background variables between the two groups. This results showed that the application of integrated science education didn't have relation with the fundamental background variables. It was found that the application group of integrated science education has a lower frequency than the application group, however, it has been analysed that the application group has been applied at the introduction stage for students' motivation, focused on biology as twice every month. Second, to apply a successful integrated education in the elementary science class, it has analysed that not only teachers should need to understand about application method and concept of integrated science education but also science textbook and teaching-learning material should be developed and diffused in the well-integrated science. Third, it was found that professionality of elementary teachers to teach the scientific content knowledge is not comparatively high and non-application group of integrated science education has a lower PCK than the application group. Therefore, it should be provided that not only training programmes to learn interdisciplinary knowledge related to science, can lead to more understanding about instructional design, teaching strategies and concept for integrated science education should be developed but also chances to participate in various training programmes should be provided to enhance elementary teachers' professionality for integrated science education.