Clinical Observation of Changes in Subjective Evaluation Index and Electrogastrography Parameters of Patients with Functional Dyspepsia before and after Oriental Medical Interventions

기능성 소화불량 환자의 한방치료 전후의 주관적 평가지표와 Electrogastrography Parameters를 이용한 객관적 지표의 변화 관찰

  • Han, Ga-Jin (Division of Gastroenterology, Dert. of Internal Medicine, Oriental Medicine Hospital, Kyung-Hee University) ;
  • Kim, Jin-Sung (Division of Gastroenterology, Dert. of Internal Medicine, Oriental Medicine Hospital, Kyung-Hee University) ;
  • Ryu, Bong-Ha (Division of Gastroenterology, Dert. of Internal Medicine, Oriental Medicine Hospital, Kyung-Hee University)
  • 한가진 (경희대학교 한방병원 소화기내과) ;
  • 김진성 (경희대학교 한방병원 소화기내과) ;
  • 류봉하 (경희대학교 한방병원 소화기내과)
  • Published : 2011.12.30


Objectives : Functional dyspepsia is a type of disease characterized by bothersome postprandial fullness, early satiation, epigastric pain and burning without structural gastrointestinal disease. The aim of this study was to analyze the characteristics of functional dyspepsia patients and evaluate changes in symptoms, quality of life, and electrogastrography parameters before and after oriental medical interventions. Methods : We recruited forty-six functional dyspepsia patients who visited gastroenterology clinic in the oriental medicine hospital of Kyung Hee University between November 2009 and February 2011. Patients were assessed for their frequency of dyspepsia (based on short form-Leeds Dyspepsia Questionnaire: SF-LDQ), quality of life (based on functional dyspepsia-related quality of life questionnaire: FD-QoL), gastric motility (based on electrogastrography: EGG) on the first visit. Then, the effect of oriental medical interventions was evaluated using EGG on the second visit. Results : The majority of patients had symptoms of nausea and indigestion. The largest decrease in EGG parameters was found in the indigestion group. The frequency of regurgitation and postprandial EGG power % bradygastria showed a significant correlation. Also, significant correlations were found between some items of FD-QoL and some EGG parameters. Compared to the EGG parameters before oriental medical interventions, some parameters after treatment had positive results, implying the improvement of gastric motility disorder. We also found improvement of EGG parameters in both digestant medicinal group and digestant combined with qi-tonifying medicinal group. Conclusions : The results of this study suggest that clinical application of EGG can be an objective diagnostic tool in functional dyspepsia patients visiting oriental medical hospital.



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