Consumer Response to Seller-Induced Perishability: Perceived Desirability of Products, Urge to Buy, and Purchase Acceleration

  • Received : 2011.06.09
  • Accepted : 2011.06.28
  • Published : 2011.12.31


The implementation of a short renewal cycle has become one of the competitive alternatives for apparel retailers to respond quickly to fast-changing consumer tastes. This strategic orientation affects consumer decision-making by inducing perishability of the store offerings. The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of perceived seller-induced perishability (as a result of a short renewal cycle) on perceived desirability of products urge to buy and purchase acceleration. The proposed model was tested in a field setting with female shoppers from two leading fast fashion retailers in the United States. This study found that perceived seller-induced perishability significantly enhances the perceived desirability of products and intensify the urge to buy while shopping which in turn accelerates purchases. In addition to perceived seller-induced perishability perceived desirability of products also contributed to intensifying the urge to buy. A number of theoretical and managerial implications were discussed and major areas of future research were suggested.



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