This study developed preliminary assessment methodology for priority listing of soil and groundwater contamination sources, considering source characteristics, local environments and risk receptors. Source characteristics were evaluated by scoring relative risk of contamination sources. Local environments were evaluated by scoring annual rainfall, hydraulic conductivity of aquifer, and annual groundwater use. Risk receptors were evaluated by scoring local population, direct distance to surface water, direct distance to drinking-water wells. Scores of each parameter were allocated by analysing distribution of parameter values obtained from government databases. Distributed scores of source characteristics local environments: risk receptors were 12 : 12 : 12. The preliminary assessment scored 0 to 36 for each soil and groundwater sources. Inventory of soil and groundwater sources consisted of 7 categories. This study applied the preliminary assessment methodology to Manan-Gu, Anyang City, Korea. The number of car repair and washing facility was the largest in the contamination source inventory. Petroleum storage facilities showed the highest assessment score. The preliminary assessment methodology also indicated that Anyang-Dong was the priority section among Anyang-Dong, Suksu-Dong, Bakdal-Dong. This study is the first trial for relative ranking soil and groundwater contamination sources by considering source and local characteristics. Therefore, further researches and revision of the preliminary assessment methodology need to be pursued for various applications.