A Comparative Study of South Korea and Turkey: Attitudes, Beliefs, and Creative Student Oriented Teaching Practices of Middle School Mathematics Teachers

  • Received : 2011.04.30
  • Accepted : 2011.09.26
  • Published : 2011.09.30


Teachers' attitudes and beliefs are related to teaching practices and are dependent upon their teaching domain. The present study compares conceptual models of creative student oriented teaching practices of mathematics teachers in two OECD countries, South Korea and Turkey to provide an insight for teacher educators and policy makers. Teaching and Learning International Survey 2008 (TALIS 2008) data are used to test the fit of a path analysis model with a subsample of l337 middle school mathematics teachers ($N_{Korea}$ = 562 vs. $N_{Turkey}$ = 775). The study showed that Turkish teachers were younger and less experienced, whereas Korean teachers were better educated. Despite the statistical differences in attitudes, beliefs and practices between countries, it was found that the teaching practices of mathematics teachers in both countries were more complex than to be explained only through attitudes and beliefs.



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