가계부채 연착륙 종합대책의 문제점과 그 해법으로써 수산업협동조합의 정체성 확립에 관한 논의

Discussion on the Establishment of Identity of Fisheries Cooperatives as Solution of the Problems of Comprehensive Measures for a Soft Landing of Household Debts

  • 전형수 (대구대학교 경상대학 경제학과)
  • 투고 : 2011.12.20
  • 심사 : 2011.12.29
  • 발행 : 2011.12.31


The Comprehensive Measures for a soft landing of Household Debts affecting the credit service of Fisheries Cooperative (FC) have been known to the public in June 2011. Its essential points are as follows: 1) Abolition of Tax-free Regulation, 2) Set limit of loans, etc. per person, 3) Introduce leverage regulations for credit-specialized financial sector i. e. FC, 4) Gradually strengthen loan-loss reserve requirements for card-loan and other credit loans. However, the Financial Policy Measures seem to pay no attention to the Cooperative's Values, Principles and Identity. In this paper, emphasis is be placed on the task of the regulators i. e. Financial Services Commission and Financial Supervice Service to lift the Financial Measures negatively affecting the operation of fund of FCs, and on the establishment of Cooperative identity in order to further develop FCs.



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