A Study on Optimized Size of a Mobile Harbor for South Korea Coastal Service

  • 투고 : 2010.11.15
  • 심사 : 2011.03.14
  • 발행 : 2011.03.31


The aim of paper is to calculate the optimized size of Mobile Harbor(MH) which would be operated in South Korea coast area. MH is the combined entity which has the function of both ship and container port. In estimating the optimized size, the total cost concept is applied to the different size of MH. Trade-off factors for calculating total cost are MH cost and the over-capacity lost cost. The factors for MH cost estimation are the cargo demand, distance from origin to destination, voyage route and MH's fixed and variable cost in both sailing and port. The other cost is the over-capacity lost cost which is occurred from dead space in case of oversize compared with a voyage demand. The alternatives for the least cost are 250TEU, 500TEU, 750TEU and 1,000TEU sized vessel. The result of research is that 250TEU sized vessel is optimized in a South Korea costal service. If the coastal area be separated in terms of voyage distance or the specific area in considering trade, the optimized size is changed depending upon distance.



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