Cover crop can be used to suppress weeds by competition for light and nutrient. Objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of legume cover crops on change of weed community in no-till corn cultivation. Two legume cover crops, hairy vetch and crimson clover were grown in the field, and succeeding corn was sown on 4 May, 2010. The distribution of weed was surveyed at 15 April, 1 June, and 20 August. At 15 April, the weed biomass in hairy vetch field was higher than in crimson clover field. The dominant weeds were Capsella bursa-pastoris L. and Stellaria aquatica L. in hairy vetch and crimson clover fields, respectively. At vegetative stage of corn, occurred weeds in hairy vetch and crimson clover fields were four and six species, respectively, while the weed was occurred with nine species in conventional. Also the dry weight of weed was decreased by 82 and 75% in hairy vetch and crimson clover fields compared to conventional. On the other hand, after harvest of corn, occurred weed in hairy vetch, crimson clover and conventional was five, four and five species, respectively. Dry weight percentage of occurred weed in conventional was 23.5%, and the value was higher than 13.8 and 14.7% in hairy vetch and crimson clover fields, respectively. Stellaria aquatica L. as winter annual weed only occurred in cover crop field during corn growing season. It is these possibilities that low soil temperature and light interception by soil cover of legume cover crop.
이른 봄 녹비피복작물 생육에 따른 잡초의 발생은 헤어리베치구에서 크림손클로버구의 76%수준이었으며, 발생한 잡초총은 헤어리베치구에서 4종(냉이, 쇠별꽃, 점나도나물 및 꽃다지), 크림손클로버구에서 3종(냉이, 쇠별꽃 및 꽃다지)이었다. 두 피복작물 재배지에서 발생한 잡초 중 냉이는 다른 초종보다 현저히 많았고, 이에 따른 건물생산량도 가장 높았다. 크림손클로버구는 냉이 외에도 쇠별꽃의 개체수가 많았으며, 건물생산량도 쇠별꽃이 가장 높았다. 옥수수 생육중기의 경작지 발생 잡초는 관행구에서 9종으로 다양하였으며, 잡초의 개체수도 가장 많았다. 한편 헤어리베치구와 크림손클로버구의 발생 잡초는 각각 4종과 6종이었으며, 건물생산량은 각각 관행구의 18과 25% 수준으로 낮았다. 옥수수 수확 후 각 재배지 발생 잡초는 관행구에서 초종이 현저히 감소하여 바랭이를 비롯한 5종, 헤어리베치와 크림손클로버구에서 각각 5종과 4종이었다. 잡초의 건물율은 관행구에서 23.5%였으며, 헤어리베치와 크림손클로버구는 각각 13.8과 14.7%로 관행구에 비해 현저히 낮았다. 한편 피복작물 재배구는 토양 피복에 의한 낮은 지온과 광차단 등으로 인하여 관행구에서 발생하지 않았던 쇠별꽃이 지속적으로 생육하였다.