Planning Concept and Design Strategies in the 5 Prize-winners of the Urban Concept Competitions for the Busan River City

부산신항 배후 국제산업물류도시 도시개념 공모안에 나타난 계획개념 및 설계전략 분석

  • Jeon, Sang-Uk (Dept. of Urban Design & Development, Kyungsung University) ;
  • Lee, Seok-Hwan (Dept. of Urban Design & Development, Kyungsung University) ;
  • Baek, Ki-Young (Dept. of Urban Immovable, Young Dong University) ;
  • Lee, Hee-Won (Division of Architecture, Sun Moon University)
  • Received : 2010.11.01
  • Accepted : 2011.01.13
  • Published : 2011.01.31


This study has done to extract the characteristics of contemporary urban design idea for waterfront industrial-logistics city through the comparative analysis on the 5 prize winning pieces which had submitted for "The Competition of Urban Concept for the Busan River City" by leading urban architectural designers who have futuristic and international vision. Following the analysis on design guideline with the 5 categorical subject (concept, land use, transportation, residencial area, open space), the characteristics and differences of each design are summarized. The result can be utilized for the waterfront planning and design including new town project.

본 연구는 "부산신항 배후 국제산업물류도시 조성 도시개념 현상공모전"의 설계지침과 공모전 당선작들의 계획개념 및 설계전략을 비교.분석하여, 동시대의 도시 및 건축전문가들이 생각하는 미래지향적이고 국제적인 수변 산업물류 도시에 대한 아이디어를 고찰하였다. 설계지침분석을 통한 1)계획개념, 2)토지이용계획, 3)교통계획, 4)주거환경계획, 5)공원녹지계획을 분석항목으로 하여 그 각 계획안들의 특징과 차이점들을 고찰하였으며, 각 항목별로 향후이와 유사한 수변부계획 및 설계, 또는 신도시조성시 고려해야 할 계획 및 설계원칙을 정리하였다.



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