Optimal Preventive Maintenance Period in Complex Systems in Considering Components Reliability Characteristic

하부 구성품의 신뢰도 특성을 고려한 복합 시스템의 최적 예방정비 주기 산출

  • Lee, Youn-Ho (ILS(Integrated Logistics Support) R&D Lab, LIG Nex1) ;
  • Lee, Ik-Do (ILS(Integrated Logistics Support) R&D Lab, LIG Nex1) ;
  • Lee, Dong-Woo (ILS(Integrated Logistics Support) R&D Lab, LIG Nex1) ;
  • Sohn, Ki-Hong (ILS(Integrated Logistics Support) R&D Lab, LIG Nex1)
  • Received : 2011.06.26
  • Accepted : 2011.10.20
  • Published : 2011.12.01


Generally the life-cycle cost of complex systems composed of several sub systems or equipments such as train, aircraft weapon systems is spent much more during operation and maintenance phase than development phase. The maintenance cost for maintaining the availability and extending the life span of systems comprise a large proportion of systems operation cost. The cycle of preventive maintenance affects operation and maintenance cost a lot. In this study we introduce a way minimizing life-cycle cost of systems by calculating more reliable preventive maintenance period than the results of previous study using systems reliability data considered the reliability and failure effect ratio of sub-systems or components. We can solve the preventive maintenance period problem known as NP-Hard as quick as possible by using modified genetic algorithm than using other models introduced in previous study.



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  1. Optimal Reliability Strategy for k-out-of-n System Considering Redundancy and Maintenance vol.40, pp.1, 2014,