PLHC-1세포주의 Comet assay를 이용한 하천 퇴적토의 생태독성평가

Studies on Toxicological Evaluation of Freshwater Sediment using a PLHC-1 Cell Comet Assay

  • 박정아 (국립수산과학원 어장환경과) ;
  • 황인영 (인제대학교 환경학과) ;
  • 백승홍 (국립수산과학원 어장환경과) ;
  • 김영숙 (국립수산과학원 어장환경과)
  • Bak, Jeong-Ah (Marine Environment Research Division, National Fisheries Research and Development Institute) ;
  • Hwang, In-Young (Environmental Science & Engineering, Inje University) ;
  • Baek, Seung-Hong (Marine Environment Research Division, National Fisheries Research and Development Institute) ;
  • Kim, Young-Sug (Marine Environment Research Division, National Fisheries Research and Development Institute)
  • 투고 : 2010.10.26
  • 심사 : 2011.01.12
  • 발행 : 2011.02.28


In this study, the Comet assay (evaluation of DNA damage) used the fish hepatocellular carinoma cell, PLHC-1, was tried to the sediment extract obtained from freshwater to understand its applicability as a tool for monitoring sediment toxicity. In parallel, induced EROD (7-ethoxyresorufin- O-deethylase) activity and DNA damage (TEM values) in PLHC-1 cells were measured for establishing the tandem endpoints of the PLHC-1cell test to test the ecotoxicity of sediment. Among several study sites in a small river passed through downtown and industrial park area, one of them, site B, showed a higher level of EROD activity and DNA damage than other sites. It indicates that a tandem endpoints of PLHC-1 cells could be useful tools for assessing the toxicity of sediment. The sensitivity of Comet assay with PLHC-1 cells was a little higher than that with a blood cell of frog tadpoles to the solvent extract of sediment. According to the results, a PLHC-1 cell-Comet assay could be used as a useful tool for evaluating ecotoxicity of the freshwater sediment. In addition, more detailed studies are needed to the contaminated site.



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