The Morphological Transformation Characteristics of Yanji in China through Space Syntax

공간구문론을 통한 중국 연길시 도시형태 변화과정 연구

  • Published : 2011.11.25


This study examines the process of urban formation in the city of Yanji. The analysis is done by the change of street pattern and major facility location in a timely manner by appling space syntax method. This research categorizes the pattern of the urban growth focused on two urban forms, street and major buildings, in the city and is offered of the meaning of the first value on interpretation of the urban growth in the city of Yanji. The result of the research are as follows. First, the period of the city transformation is divided into four stage; intuitive period, grid-iron formative period, consolidation period, and urban expansion period. Second, characteristics of each stage have been analyzed. At the first stage, the city started to frame along both buildings and streets which were placed without a plan. At the second stage, the city was planned and constructed into new grid-iron pattern ignoring existing context by Jananese colony. At the consolidation period, the road system expands from the city center toward suburban. At the last expansion period, the shape of the city has complicated its shape with complex road system. This study contributes to provide a basic analysis and data to investigate how the Yanji city has evolved over period of time. But further continuous research should be done for future urban development of the Yanji city.



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