Optimal Management Scheme for Phosphorus Discharged from Public Sewage Treatment Plant Located in Upstream Basin of Paldang Lake

팔당호 상류수계에 위치한 공공 하수종말처리시설의 총인 배출 최적관리

  • Woo, Younggug (Department of Civil Engineering, kangwon National University) ;
  • Park, Eunyoung (Department of Environmental Engineering, kangwon National University) ;
  • Jeon, Yangkun (Research and Development Center, Environmental Facility Management Co. Ltd.) ;
  • Jeong, Myungsuk (Han River Environmental Research Center, Institute of Environmental Research) ;
  • Rim, Jaymyung (Department of Civil Engineering, kangwon National University)
  • Received : 2010.09.27
  • Accepted : 2011.03.08
  • Published : 2011.03.30


The purpose of the study is to optimally manage sewage treatment plant with analysis of phosphorus contribution and improvement of water quality contributing rate in the effect of inflowing point of effluent and Pal-Dang lake after reducing T-P discharge from large scale public sewage treatment plant at upstream of Pal-Dang lake. Also, this study, for enforcement of T-P in effluent, plans optimal management of effluent T-P through examining propriety of environmental, technological, and economical aspect such as water quality standard of domestic and foreign T-P and related policy. In regarding optimal management of T-P discharged from public sewage treatment plant located in upstream of Pal-Dang lake, the study drew following conclusions. With the optimal management of public sewage treatment plant, it showed that a pollution level became higher in the order of Sumgang E in South-Han river, C in Dalcheon, B1 B2, A in North-Han river, and J in Kyungancheon, and it is required reduction of T-P first. The highest value in analysis of benefit-costs from sewage treatment plant in the selected research area was Kyungan B, and the others are with the order of Jojong A, Bokha A, Kyungan A, and Yanghwa A. With result of this study, all 14 areas are required more enforced phosphorus treatment. The study resulted that the most top priority areas were Hangang F, Sumgang B, and Gyungan A, top priority areas were Bokha A, Dalcheon B, and Cheongmi A, priority areas were Hangang E, Heukcheon A, Gyungan B, and Jojong A, and potential areas were Sumgang A, Yanghwa A, Dalcheon A, and Hangang D. It seems to be appropriate to apply 0.2 mg/L of T-P treatment for water supply source reservation, 0.5 mg/L for the other areas by locally, and 0.2~0.5 mg/L for biological nitrogen phosphorus treatment method and 0.5~1 mg/L for Conventional Activated Sludge by technologically. Also, it may be appropriate to apply 0.2 mg/L for the most top priority area(I), 0.3 mg/L for the top priority area(II), 0.4 mg/L for priority area(III), and 0.5 mg/L for potential area(IV) by the separation of priority area.



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