The Historical Study of Headache in Chinese Ming Dynasty

명대의가(明代醫家)들의 두통(頭痛)에 대한 인식변화에 관한 연구

  • Chun, Duk-Bong (Dept. of Medical History, College of Oriental Medicine, Won-Kwang University) ;
  • Maeng, Woong-Jae (Dept. of Medical History, College of Oriental Medicine, Won-Kwang University) ;
  • Kim, Nam-Il (Dept. of Medical History, College of Oriental Medicine, Kyung-Hee University)
  • 전덕봉 (원광대학교 한의과대학 의사학교실) ;
  • 맹웅재 (원광대학교 한의과대학 의사학교실) ;
  • 김남일 (경희대학교 한의과대학 의사학교실)
  • Received : 2011.05.30
  • Accepted : 2011.09.26
  • Published : 2011.09.30


Everyone once in a life experience headaches as symptoms are very common. According to a study in a country of more than a week and as many as those who have experienced a headache amounts to 69.4%. In addition, the high reported prevalence of migraine in 30s for 80% of all migraine sufferers daily life interfere with work or was affected. In Western medicine, the cause of headaches is traction or deformation of pain induced tissue like scalp, subcutaneous tissue, muscle, fascia, extracranial arteriovenous, nerves, periosteum. But it turns out there are not cause why pain induced tissue is being tracted or deformated. Therefore, most of the western-therapy is mainly conducted with regimen for a temporary symptom reduction. Therefore, I examined how it has been developed in Chinese Ming Dynasty, the perception of headache, change in disease stage and an etiological cause. Oriental medicine in the treatment of headache is a more fundamental way to have an excellent treatment. The recognition of head in "素問($s{\grave{u}}$ $w{\grave{e}}n$)" and "靈樞($l{\acute{i}}ng$ $sh{\bar{u}}$)" began to appear in 'Soul-神($sh{\acute{e}}n$) dwelling place' and 'where to gather all the Yang-'諸陽之會($zh{\bar{u}}$ $y{\acute{a}}ng$ $zh{\bar{i}}$ $hu{\grave{i}}$)'. Also, head was recognized as '六腑($li{\grave{u}}f{\check{u}}$) 淸陽之氣($q{\bar{i}}ng$ $y{\acute{a}}ng$ $zh{\bar{i}}$ $q{\grave{i}}$) and 五臟($w{\check{u}}$ $z{\grave{a}}ng$) 精血($j{\bar{i}}ng$ $xu{\grave{e}}$) gathering place'. More specific structures such as the brain is considered a sea of marrow(髓海-$su{\check{i}}$ $h{\check{a}}i$) in "內經($n{\grave{e}}i$ $j{\bar{i}}ng$)" and came to recognized place where a stroke occurs. Accompanying development of the recognition about head, there had been changed about the perception of headache and the recognition of the cause and mechanism of headache. And the recognition of headache began to be completed in Ming Dynasty through Jin, Yuan Dynasty. Chinese Ming Dynasty, specially 樓英($l{\acute{o}}u$ $y{\bar{i}}ng$), in "醫學綱目($y{\bar{i}}xu{\acute{e}}$ $g{\bar{a}}ngm{\grave{u}}$)", first enumerated prescription in detail by separating postpartum headache. and proposed treatment of headache especially due to postpartum sepsis(敗血-$b{\grave{a}}i$ $xu{\grave{e}}$). 許浚($x{\check{u}}$ $j{\grave{u}}n$) accepted a variety of views without impartial opinion in explaining one kind of headache in "東醫寶鑑($d{\bar{o}}ng-y{\bar{i}}$ $b{\check{a}}oji{\grave{a}}n)$" 張景岳($zh{\bar{a}}ng$ $j{\check{i}}ng$ $yu{\grave{e}}$), in "景岳全書($j{\check{i}}ng$ $yu{\grave{e}}$ $qu{\acute{a}}nsh{\bar{u}}$)", established his own unique classification system-新舊表裏($x{\bar{i}}nji{\grave{u}}$ $bi{\check{a}}ol{\check{i}}$)-, and offered a clear way even in treatment. Acupuncture treatment of headache in the choice of meridian has been developed as a single acupuncture point. Using the classification of headache to come for future generation as a way of locating acupoints were developed. Chinese Ming Dynasty, there are special treatments like 導引按蹻法($d{\check{a}}o$ y ${\check{i}}n$ ${\grave{a}}n$ $ji{\check{a}}o$ $f{\check{a}}$), 搐鼻法($ch{\grave{u}}$ $b{\acute{i}}$ $f{\check{a}})$, 吐法($t{\check{u}}$ $f{\check{a}}$), 外貼法($w{\grave{a}}i$ $ti{\bar{e}}$ $f{\check{a}}$), 熨法($y{\grave{u}}n$ $f{\check{a}}$), 點眼法($di{\check{a}}n$ $y{\check{a}}n$ $f{\check{a}}$), 熏蒸法($x{\bar{u}}nzh{\bar{e}}ng$ $f{\check{a}}$), 香氣療法($xi{\bar{a}}ngq{\grave{i}}$ $li{\acute{a}}of{\check{a}}$). Most of this therapy in the treatment of headache, it is not used here, but if you use a good fit for today's environment can make a difference.



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