Large Scale Gap 시험의 전산모사연구

Study on the Computational Simulation of Large Scale Gap Test

  • 투고 : 2011.07.08
  • 심사 : 2011.09.16
  • 발행 : 2011.10.05


This study describes computational simulation results in 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional space concerning large scale gap test(LSGT) by using commercial hydrocode such as AUTODYN and LS-DYNA to analyze the detonation phenomenons of high explosives. To consider the possibilities of LSGT simulation, we used Lee - Tarver reaction rate model of PBX-9404 and Comp-B which were implemented AUTODYN's material library. Also we have tried the diverse numerical schemes such as Lagrangian, Eulerian and ALE(Arbitary Lagrangian Eulerian), SPH(Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics) in LSGT simulations. After LSGT simulations, we compared the simulation results with published results to verify the LSGT simulations. According to the LSGT simulations, we have concluded as follows. In 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional space, Lagrangian solver provided the most reliable results based on analysis time and accuracy. When using two hydrocodes in 2-dimensional space, the simulation results are almost same except one explosive model. We have verified the modeling method and simulation results of the LSGT by using the commenrcial hydrocode in this study.



  1. I. Jaffe, A. R. Clairmont, Jr., and D. Price, Large Scale Shock Sensitivity Test. Compilation of NOL Data for Propellant and Explosives, NOLTR 61-4, 15 May 1961 and NOLTR 65-77, Nov. 1965.
  2. Donna Price, A. R. Clairmont, Jr., J. O. Erkman, The NOL Large Scale Gap Test III Compilation of Unclassified Data and Supplementary Information for Interpretation of Results, NOLTR 74-40, 8 March 1974.
  3. B. M. Dobratz, P. C. Crawford, LLNL Explosives Handbook, Properties of Chemical Explosives and Explosive Simulants, 31 Jan. 1985.
  4. P. C. Souers, L. C. Haselman, Jr., Detonation Equation of State at LLNL, 1993.
  5. L. E. Fried, W. M. Howard, and P. C. Sources, CHEETAH User's Manual, Lawrence Livermore National Lab., Livermore, CA, Sept. 1998.
  6. AUTODYN Version 5 User's Manual.
  7. LS-DYNA Version 970 User's Manual.
  8. W. J. Carter, S. P. Marsh, J. N. Fritz, and R. G. McQueen, The Equation of State of Selected Materials, LA-DC-9990, Los Alamos Laboratort, 1968.

피인용 문헌

  1. A Study on Shock-induced Detonation in Gap Test vol.20, pp.2, 2016,
  2. Assessment for the sympathetic detonation characteristics of underwater shaped charge vol.20, pp.5, 2017,