초임 교사 멘토링을 통한 영어교사 심화연수 후 지속적 전문성 신장에 대한 사례연구

Continuing professional development through novice teacher mentoring after in-service English teacher training

  • 투고 : 2011.03.15
  • 발행 : 2011.06.30


This case study aims to investigate how a primary English teacher's professional development was pursued through novice teacher mentoring after the six-month intensive in-service teacher training program(IIETTP). The teacher was involved in mentoring two novice teachers working at the same school. They observed each other's classes and exchanged their views on the classes, focusing on areas to be improved. The observation was done within a framework that consisted of pre-, during- and post-observation sessions. Data was gathered through retrospective entries kept after the post-observation meetings. The entries were categorized according to their saliency, frequency and recurring patterns identified. The findings reveal that learning from the training course could be applied professionally and could serve to bridge the gap between training and teaching. It is also shown that the mentee teachers' professional development was enhanced and the mentor teacher herself benefited from the collaborative learning process involved with working with the novice teachers. Some suggestions are made for the effective implementation of school-based teacher development programs after the IIETTP.
