국민건강종전종합계획에 근거한 영유아 치아우식 관리 방안

Caries Control for infants based on Health Plan 2010 in Korea

  • 한동헌 (부산대학교 치의학전문대학원 예방치과학교실)
  • Han, Dong-Hun (Department of Preventive and Community Dentistry, School of Dentistry, Pusan National University)
  • 발행 : 2010.06.01


We examined progress in oral health of Korean 5 year olds children and dental public health infrastructure since the National Health Promotion Plan 2010 Oral Health Objectives were issued. We summarize trends in the prevalence of dental caries and trends in national public oral health program activities and budget. The Oral Health Objectives were achieved in 2006. Oral health in Korean preschool children improved considerably by improving of lifestyle and consumption of fluoride containing toothpaste. Although the number of public oral health center and the budget of oral health education were increased, the impact of public oral health program for preschool children was not influential. New oral health program for infants such as fluoride varnish application and strengthening of existing public oral health program should be performed for continuing improvement of oral health in Korea.



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